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                             Why Should You Consider Going Eco-Friendly?

Going green, saving energy, eating organic... these are things you come across every day as you browse the web, read the news, or unwittingly peruse pages of a magazine or book you're not even interested in. But when it comes to stuff that talk about conserving or preserving the environment, it seems like we're not really that all too interested. It's probably because we're living in a country that doesn't get to feel the effects of environmental issues like global warming or the scarcity of food and fresh water. 

But one thing is for sure: in a couple of generations from now, the planet will eventually lose many of its natural resources, the same resources humans and animals depend on. And if you don't start thinking about going environment friendly from now on, it may very well be a case of too little too late. 
So the most basic answer to the question of why you should consider going eco-friendly is this: in order to save the very planet we live in.


The issue of environmental degradation may not be as pressing for you at this moment, but just think about the people living in the Pacific Islands, mini-countries like Tuvalu is starting to get swallowed by the ocean because the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic are melting quite fast; and yes, that's global warming right there. So if you continue using plastic bottles, relying heavily on fossil fuel, and throwing waste like you don't care where it goes, then you're not helping the environment's cause. 

Another reason why you should seriously contemplate on becoming eco-friendly starting today is because there already is a desperate need to save various animals from extinction. Aside from hunting, a major threat is the destruction of their habitat. Ever wonder about the fate of animals living in one forest that's recently been transformed and developed into an industrial complex? How about you, do you know where that leather handbag came from? It pays to be aware of the things happening around you because you'll never know you're unintentionally contributing to the destruction of the environment and the animals living in it.

And if those two reasons aren't enough, then the third one might be. This time, you should consider going environment and nature friendly for the simple reason that using products that promote it are safer for you, especially food. If you're fond of drinking water through plastic water bottles, know that those same bottles are produced using chemicals that could lead to you developing cancer. Meanwhile, preservatives in the processed foods you really like eating could lead to serious illnesses later in your life. 

We actually could go on forever and talk about how important it is to become eco-friendly, but we believe those reasons given above are enough for you to at least contemplate and weigh on the kind of beaches lifestyle you're living right now. The truth is it's not too late to make the change, but time is indeed running out.

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